Helt ny foil sett fra RRD som er fantastisk for å både lære, men også progressere i i wingfoiling.
Mast : 85 cm aluminium.
Front wing : 1750cm2 carbon.
Bakvinge : 373cm2 carbon.
Fuselage : 76cm aluminium.
The new wider profile and stiffer Universal ALU mast with integrated plate is the top combination for speed potential and superior control. The aluminum plate has been optimized in dimension and integrated into the aluminum mast using new 8 mm diameter screws and 6 mm sideways telescope screws to obtain a 100% solid connection. This mast is 15% lighter and stiffer both in flex and torsion, compared to his predecessor. It has a maximum thickness of 18mm and its profile is designed to minimize twist. We have also introduced a new middle stringer structure in between the two screws that have allowed a higher lateral stiffness. The mast is now waterproof.
The Universal carbon front wing is designed to start flying at lower speeds. Due to its increased thickness you get the right lift to take off easily and the stability you need to learn your first jibes. The Universal carbon rear wing with negative dihedral (anhedral) is designed to avoid surface turbulences during turns. It also supports you with pumping the board with your feet.
The new Universal fuselage has an extra wide head area to carry and support super wide wings (up to 120 cms wingspan and 2500 sqcms) and entirely redesigned for maximum lightweight. Its new wider middle and front section design can sustain higher flex pressure and torsion pressure from the input of the mast and front wing and offers an improved level of stiffness. Lighter and stiffer!
New 8mm diameter Torx screws for mast, fuselage and wings has improved connectivity to improve in stiffness and for more user friendly assembly / disassembly. The new 6 mm sideways telescope screws secure the fuselage to the mast and avoid any risk of loss.
No more damaged screw heads and threads!
The new mast foot adaptor Y26 design is now wider for improved lateral stiffness, securing a “one welded piece“ feeling between fuselage and mast.
Hi density Plastic connector/adaptors to avoid oxidation between mast and fuselage connection.
2 x 8mm diameter torx and 2 x 6 mm sideways telescope screws for a reliable, strong and quick connection.
Roberto Ricci Designs
Roberto Ricci designs ble startet av Roberto Ricci for 20 år siden. Det har vært en spennede reise som har vært med på å forme vannsport markedet innenfor de kategorier RRD er representert. Med sitt fantastiske design og bruk av farger er RRD produkter lett å kjenne igjen over hele verden. Roberto er selv en karismatisk og dedikert brettseiler, kiter og surfer, han tilbringer hver vinter i sør afrika og tester utstyr. Vi er stolte over å representere RRD i Norge.